Week of November 11, 2019

Weekly Reminders:

A. Gym uniforms must be worn by 4th graders on Mondays and Tuesdays for gym unless students are told differently.

B. 12:30 Dismissal on Friday due to a Faculty Meeting

C. Monday, 11/18 Minnie and Mickey Mouse dress-up day.

D. Make sure to read Mr. Wood’s blog for other important information.

E. Remember to bring in canned food for the St. Patrick’s Home
GRADES 6, 7, 8  
A. All classwork/homework must be completed in blue or black ink (other colors will not be accepted).  NO PENCIL!

B. If an assignment states that looseleaf is to be used, no other types of paper will be accepted (paper ripped out of notebooks or legal pads is unacceptable).
C. Homework must be handed in on the day due unless I receive a note from a parent explaining why you did not complete your HW. This will only be accepted if there is an emergency at home (not because you were too tired or that you had too much other HW). There will be points deducted for every day your assignment is late. After the 2nd day, the assignment will not be accepted.

D. Homework and classwork must be neat. Work that is sloppy or illegible will not be accepted. Crossing out is unacceptable!

E. Remember homework counts as part of the total grade!  

HOMEWORK: For the Week of November 11, 2019: Grades 6,7,8

Grade 6:

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 6
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1 and Nouns as objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class.

Personal Narrative: Your final draft is due by Friday, 11/15. I will be checking drafts this week (by Thursday). The final draft can be handwritten on looseleaf or typed and printed out (only if you have a printer at home. There are none available at school).

Social Studies Homework for Grade 6

Unit 1 Early Humankind/ Chapter 2: Early Farmers and City Dwellers

Tuesday and Wednesday, 11/12 and 11/13: Study for Chapter 2 Test (notes only). Prepare the response questions below and study them. You will use the answers to write an essay.The answer can be found in your textbook and notebook. Test on Thursday, 11/14.

Thursday and Friday,11/14-11/17: Work on your Native American Heritage Presentation. It is due on Monday, 11/18. See your google classroom for details.

Response Question:
a. How did climates around the world change after the last Ice Age ended?
b. What challenges did this change of climate bring to the people?
C. What did these gatherers do to survive?

Vocabulary for the Week:

Grade 7:

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 7
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1. We will also be working on Nouns as Objects.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

Personal Narrative: Your final draft is due by Friday, 11/15. I will be checking drafts this week (by Thursday). The final draft can be handwritten on looseleaf or typed and printed out (only if you have a printer at home. There are none available at school).

Social Studies Homework for Grade 7

European Exploration- Chapter 2

Tuesday and Wednesday, 11/12 and 11/13: Study for Chapter 2 Test (notes only). Prepare the response questions below and study them (answers can be found in the notes and the text). You will use the answers to the questions to write an essay. Test on Thursday, 11/14.

Thursday and Friday,11/14-11/17: Work on your Native American Heritage Presentation. It is due on Monday, 11/18. See your google classroom for details.

Response Question:
a. What agreement did Columbus make with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain?
b. Which way did Columbus believe that he could reach Asia?
c. Where did Columbus’ expedition reach and what did he call the people there?
d. What effect did the voyages of Columbus have?

Vocabulary for the Week:

Grade 8:

ELA/Reading Homework for Grade 8
We will be working on nonfiction narratives and memoirs during Unit 1.

My Perspectives (Pearson)- Please review (in your textbook or online in Pearson Realize) the story, vocabulary, and concepts (word study and conventions) that we are working on in class. We will be taking a baseline assessment this week to find your Lexile level.

Personal Narrative: Your final draft is due by Friday, 11/15. I will be checking drafts this week (by Thursday). The final draft can be handwritten on looseleaf or typed and printed out (only if you have a printer at home. There are none available at school).

Social Studies Homework for Grade 8

Unit 1 A Nation Divided/ Chapter 17: Reconstruction

Tuesday and Wednesday, 11/12 and 11/13: Study for Chapter 2 Test (notes only). Prepare the response questions below and study them (answers can be found in the notes and the text). You will use the answers to the questions to write an essay. Test on Thursday, 11/14

Thursday and Friday,11/14-11/17: Work on your Native American Heritage Presentation. It is due on Monday, 11/18. See your google classroom for details.

Response Question:
Sharecropping was a system used on Southern farms after the Civil War. Write a 3-paragraph response to explain the following:
a. What was sharecropping?
b. Who was involved in this system?
c. How did sharecropping work?
d. What effect did it have on those who used the system?

Vocabulary for the Week:
                           Have a wonderful week!