2ND GRADE READING Monday, Jan. 5, 2009 Aim: to review vocabulary words for Midterm Exam. Objective: Go through pages in the Reading Practice Book and review vocabulary words and phonic skills and comprehension. HW: study review sheet on blog and do pages 32,33, 34 in Reading Practice Book. Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2009 Aim: to review vocabulary words and reading skills for the Midterm Exam Objective: review vocabulary from the word wall review phonic skills- short a and long a/ and the sound of /ed/ HW: Study for Reading and Language Arts Midterms Wednesday, Jan.7,2009 Aim: to review for the Midterm Exam Objective: continue to review vocabulary words and comprehension skills in the Reading Practice Book. HW: Study for Reading Midterm Thursday, Jan. 8, 2009 Aim: Reading Midterm Exam HW: Study for Language Arts Midterm tomorrow Friday, Jan. 9, 2009 Aim: Language Arts Midterm HW: Read book. Test is next Friday. 2nd GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS

Monday, Jan.5, 2009 Aim: to review types of sentences for midterm exam Objective:Review pages 79-87 in Language Handbook HW: review types of sentences

Tuesday, Jan.6, 2009 Aim: to review Language Arts- Naming parts of sentences and Telling parts of sentences Objective: to practice picking out the naming and telling parts of sentences to review the terms: subject, predicate HW: review material on the blog Wednesday, Jan. 7,2009 Aim: to review all Language Arts material for the test on Friday Objective: The children will be able to distinguish different end marks for different types of sentences. The children will be able to distinguish between the naming part(subject) and the telling part (predicate) of the sentence. We will review the meaning of a noun- names a person, animal, place, or thing. HW: review material on the blog for the Reading Midterm Exam tomorrow. Thursday, Jan. 8,2009 Aim: to review language arts material for the Midterm Objective: the children will review all language arts material for the exam HW: review material language arts pgs.79-96 Friday, Jan. 9,2009 No class due to 11:30 dismissal