monkeys, friends, plays, supplies, taxes, holidays, months, companies, costumes, sandwiches, hobbies, daises, delays, scratches, counties, teammates, memories, bunches, batteries, donkeys
CHALLENGE WORDS: eyelashes, ambulances, trophies, secretaries, inventories
Mon. 2/2 Aim: to practice listening comprehension and to introduce cause and effect relationships. Lesson: 1. The Circuit will be read to the children and they will be asked to listen for a cause/ effect relationship. 2. The game of basketball will be discussed introducing many of the new vocabulary words. The children will use their prior knowledge to build background for the story. HW: see purple assignment book Tues. 2/3 No reading class due to the scoring of the 6th grade NYS ELA exam Weds., 2/4 Aim: to use word structure to determine word meaning Lesson: 1. Discuss prefixes and suffixes and show when added to words how they can change the meaning. 2. Read the selection together identifying cause and effect relationships to improve comprehension. HW: see purple book Thurs. 2/5 No reading class due to the scoring of the 8th grade NYS ELA exam Friday, 2/6 Aim: to examine features of poetry. Lesson: 1. We will discuss the genre of poetry and compare it to other genres that we have studied. 2. Do Spelling Test LANGUAGE ARTS Mon. 2/2 Aim: to discuss nouns Lesson: 1. to review the definition of a noun and give some examples. 2. The children will then brainstorm a list of common and proper nouns 3. The children will review singular and plural nouns HW: see purple assignment book Tues. 2/3 No Language Arts class Weds. 2/4 Aim: to review irregular plural nouns Lesson: 1. The children will write a list of singular nouns and then add their appropriate plural form. 2. The children will review the relationship between a subject and a noun HW: see assignment book Thurs. 2/5 No Language Arts class Friday 2/6 Aim: to write a poem using figurative language Lesson: The children will work on writing a poem using specific nouns and strong verbs (portfolio activity)