Important Links:
WEEK OF FEB. 9- 13,2009 2ND GRADE
1. The children will take the Book Test today and then tomorrow the girls will read Stone Soup and the boys will read Anansi the Spider.
2. Please make sure that your child completes his/her HW every night and comes prepared for class with pencils, 2 notebooks, a folder, and some looseleaf which they can keep in the folder.
3. Check the purple assignment book each night for HW or announcements.
4. Please sign and return tests that Mr. Woods distributes to the children on Weds. 2/11. These tests must be kept on file.
1. Book Test today, Monday, 2/9/09
2. Spelling Test on Fri. 2/13/09
3. Language Arts test on nouns (pp. 94-111) Friday, 2/20/09
4. Next Book Test Friday, 2/27/09
Monday, 2/9/09
Aim: to complete a Book Test on Anansi the Spider or Stone Soup
HW: write each spelling word 5x each in the Reading Notebook. The words can be found on pg. 33 in Spelling book
Tues., 2/10/09
Aim: to test each student's reading fluency rate using DIBELS (other children will be working on spelling and phonics )
HW: write a sentence for Spelling words 1-8. (Make sure you remember to put the (.) for each abbreviation.
Weds., 2/11/09
Aim: to continue DIBELS testing (other children will be working on spelling and phonics)
HW: write a sentence for Spelling words 9-15 in Reading NB
Thurs., 2/12/09
Aim: to decode multisyllable words and to review r-controlled vowels
Lesson: The children practice decoding longer and unfamiliar words using spelling patterns and phonic rules.
The children will discuss new vocabulary and review spelling words
HW: study for spelling test tomorrow
Friday, 2/13/09
Aim: to complete a Spelling Test
Lesson: The children will complete a Spelling Test and read Helping Out in the Reading Textbook
HW: continue to read Stone Soup or Anansi
Monday, 2/9/09
Aim:to review plural nouns (irregular)
Lesson: The children will write rules for plural nouns in the Lang. Arts NB
HW: see assignment book
Tues., 2/10/09
Aim: to review names of people and titles as proper nouns
Lesson: The children will review capitalization rules for proper nouns (p.103)
HW:see assignment book
Weds., 2/11/09
Aim:to review names of people
Lesson: The children will practice writing names of people and titles correctly (pp.104,105).
HW:see assignment book
Thurs., 2/12/09
Aim: to write a Valentine's Day card
Lesson: The children will write Valentines
HW: see assignment book
Friday, 2/13/09 No class due to Valentine's Day party